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2 Fullerton Writers Found
Eliza V
Fullerton, California
Active over a week ago
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I have: B.A. in English, written a novel, & edited a prize-winning novella. I proofread, write, and review written works!
I offer analytical readings, editing, or general feedback. I love reading fiction and poetry, and I'm open to specific details when given a...
I offer analytical readings, editing, or general feedback. I love reading fiction and poetry, and I'm open to specific details when given a job.
Joshua S
Fullerton, California
Active over a week ago
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Environmental Sector Writer
My name is Joshua Sierra, I am a recent graduate of California State University Fullerton with my Master Degree in Environmental Studies wit...
My name is Joshua Sierra, I am a recent graduate of California State University Fullerton with my Master Degree in Environmental Studies with a specialization in science and technology. Through my academic, career, and internship experience I have drafted a variety of policy, legal, and research documents focusing on environmental policy, legislation, planning and sustainabili...
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