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3 Whittier Writers Found
Sean W
Whittier, California
Active over a week ago
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I am a writer, author and proud business owner in Southern California.
I provide written content, photography and videography. I have had the tremendous opportunity to work on a variety of projects that have hon...
I provide written content, photography and videography. I have had the tremendous opportunity to work on a variety of projects that have honed my creative skills.
Gerardo M
Whittier, California
Active over a week ago
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Aspiring writer with more ideas than time to write
I'm a writer interested in working in graphic novels. I believe that the tales of modern superheroes are the successors to the myths of gods...
I'm a writer interested in working in graphic novels. I believe that the tales of modern superheroes are the successors to the myths of gods and monsters. I want nothing more for the world to see the Story's I can tell
Alexis R
Whittier, California
Active over a week ago
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Selfishly Altruistic, constantly glaring at my ceiling to try and find the best word to describe what I'm currently thinking.
I am a creative writer who loves exploring different mindsets. Nothing is more refreshing than not us
I am a creative writer who loves exploring different mindsets. Nothing is more refreshing than not us
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