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3 Brea Writers Found
Callum R
Brea, California
Active over a week ago
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My names Callum Rivers, I write a wide variety of different genres for different scripts. If you can see it, I can write it.
I can rewrite scripts you are unsure about or even read over one you have already finished with. I’m looking for screenwriting jobs that ar...
I can rewrite scripts you are unsure about or even read over one you have already finished with. I’m looking for screenwriting jobs that are require a lot of attention and some to even toy around with. I don’t mind bouncing ideas around or receiving creative input from others. Once we get the ball rolling, it’ll be easy sailing from there on out. I love writing and even creati...
Kaitlin M
Brea, California
Active over a week ago
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Writing! Proofing, fiction, screenwriting, playwriting
With a Bachelors in Creative Writing and experience writing and editing other people's work I'm willing to write and edit your content!
With a Bachelors in Creative Writing and experience writing and editing other people's work I'm willing to write and edit your content!
Joseph D
Brea, California
Active over a week ago
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5 years exp.
Writing for therapy
My name is Joseph Duarte, was a recent Sports writer, transitioning to creative writing. Thinker of strange ideas. Worked on short films, do...
My name is Joseph Duarte, was a recent Sports writer, transitioning to creative writing. Thinker of strange ideas. Worked on short films, documentaries, and comedies. I'm looking to make good ideas a reality.
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