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3 La Mirada Writers Found
Lizzie W
La Mirada, California
Active over a week ago
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25 years exp.
Eagle-eye editor and proofreader
I'm an editor and proofreader who can help you put the finishing touches on your manuscript, novel, recipe book, or anything else you're wri...
I'm an editor and proofreader who can help you put the finishing touches on your manuscript, novel, recipe book, or anything else you're writing. If you need help with story development, I can also help you out with that. I don't want to rewrite what you've done, I just want to help make it really shine.
Anna B
La Mirada, California
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
Writer, Developmental Editor, and Proofreader with over 10 years of experience
Writing: I can research and write short articles for your blog post or website. I can easily adapt to fit a desired style, genre, or tone. I...
Writing: I can research and write short articles for your blog post or website. I can easily adapt to fit a desired style, genre, or tone. I love clear guidelines and expectations, and I'm happy to accept feedback.
Developmental Editing: I have many years of experience in developmental editing in essays, fiction, and poetry. I'm a creative thinker with a unique eye for possi...
Sandra A
La Mirada, California
Active over a week ago
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Writting is my career, and I think I would be pretty good at it.
I have always loves writtibg since I was a teenager. I'm looking for a part time job from home that I can enjoy my career at and yet earn mo...
I have always loves writtibg since I was a teenager. I'm looking for a part time job from home that I can enjoy my career at and yet earn money.
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