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3 Pomona Writers Found
Layla E
Pomona, California
Active over a week ago
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Young writer specializing in poems and sharpening scriptwriting skills
I can write poems and prose.
I am looking for an opportunity on a film set as an assistant.
Also a career partner/mentor.
I can write poems and prose.
I am looking for an opportunity on a film set as an assistant.
Also a career partner/mentor.
Twilla G
Pomona, California
Active over a week ago
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Hi, I'm a lyricist. I write all genres. Im about to get recorded soon. I'm willing to expand my horizon and satisfy other folks that are in...
Hi, I'm a lyricist. I write all genres. Im about to get recorded soon. I'm willing to expand my horizon and satisfy other folks that are in need of a lyricist.
Tyreke R
Pomona, California
Active over a week ago
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Tyreke J Robertson
From Palmdale California, currently in Pomona California. Father passed away when I was 9 he raised me himself. My mother took me in at the...
From Palmdale California, currently in Pomona California. Father passed away when I was 9 he raised me himself. My mother took me in at the age of 12 and we barley can buy milk. I need to use my talents to help my family.
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