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4 West Covina Writers Found
Vivian G
West Covina, California
Active over a week ago
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3 years exp.
Dedicated Student Writer Looking for Challenges or Work of Any Kind!
Looking for quality, in-depth writing that catches the eye of your audience? I’m Vivian Gomez, an avid writer and lover of doing so. I am cu...
Looking for quality, in-depth writing that catches the eye of your audience? I’m Vivian Gomez, an avid writer and lover of doing so. I am currently a student, as well as a freelance journalist. I have been featured on websites such as Consonancie & I currently hold the position of Editor-in-Chief for Newsbytes Online, a student-run news organization. In addition, I’ve had exper...
Clouty D
West Covina, California
Active over a week ago
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Yung artist turns be heard.... when I rap I put soul into it and spread my message.i want to be the next big thing.
Yung artist turns be heard.... when I rap I put soul into it and spread my message.i want to be the next big thing.
John A
West Covina, California
Active over a week ago
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I just want to write.
I am a young writer, i write my own stories and have many ideas for such stories but I'm looking to help others with there work. Whether its...
I am a young writer, i write my own stories and have many ideas for such stories but I'm looking to help others with there work. Whether its fiction or non-fiction, i just want to help you see your stories come to life
Natasha C
West Covina, California
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
Professional Video (& Demo Reel) Editor!
I am a video editor, mainly dealing with demo reels for actors, but also doing slideshows, montages, powerpoint, etc. If you're look...
I am a video editor, mainly dealing with demo reels for actors, but also doing slideshows, montages, powerpoint, etc. If you're looking for professional, unique and high quality video footage, then this is the place!
I have been editing videos for over 10 years and provide over-the-phone assistance, if needed, and well-timed delivery of all products, with no trademarks...
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