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3 Allendale Writers Found
Emily M
Allendale, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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I am a self published author who is looking to help other writers achieve their literary goals.
I am a self taught author with experience in poetry, short stories, playwrights, and fiction novels. I have two books published through Amaz...
I am a self taught author with experience in poetry, short stories, playwrights, and fiction novels. I have two books published through Amazon and am working on my third.
I seek to help new or experienced writers with any of their writing needs. Including but not limited to: outlines, story structure, character development, beta reading, etc.
Available most evenings, as I do wo...
Sughnen Y
Allendale, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
Current Master's student who is majoring in Communications.
With over a decade's worth of experience, I offer consistency in writing, timeliness in execution, and delivery in creative action. I am loo...
With over a decade's worth of experience, I offer consistency in writing, timeliness in execution, and delivery in creative action. I am looking for a position that will allow me to be flexible and work remotely as well as enable me to adhere to strict guidelines.
Sughnen Y
Allendale, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Freelance writer with over a decade's worth of writing experience ready to bring your ideas to your world.
With over a decade's worth of experience, I have an eye and a relationship with words that spills beautifully into paper or copy. I am here...
With over a decade's worth of experience, I have an eye and a relationship with words that spills beautifully into paper or copy. I am here to bring your ideas to life. Let's work.
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