Find Writers in Garden Grove, California

The #1 way to hire a professional writer
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6 Garden Grove Writers Found

Nicole S

Garden Grove, California
Active over a week ago
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High School English/ELD Teacher who writes fiction on the side. In need of adult writing and not teenage essays.
I can first and foremost write; creating is my passion. I also love to edit, proofread, fact-check, and create content.
I can first and foremost write; creating is my passion. I also love to edit, proofread, fact-check, and create content.

Elizabeth P

Garden Grove, California
Active over a week ago
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Fun Thoughts for a New Age
In today's modern age with all this advancing technology, it can be hard to keep someone's focus on the screen for an extended period of tim...
In today's modern age with all this advancing technology, it can be hard to keep someone's focus on the screen for an extended period of time. Unless there's something entertaining about the piece. Well, my writing style does exactly that. If you're looking to enhance your topic by applying it to the 21st century way of thinking with as much knowledge and research done, then I...

Lorena C

Garden Grove, California
Active over a week ago
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A writer trying to do what I love and trying to live how I want.
I like to tell stories in different formats. I’ve done storytelling through traditional sit-down-storytelling, I’ve written short stories,no...
I like to tell stories in different formats. I’ve done storytelling through traditional sit-down-storytelling, I’ve written short stories,non-fiction pieces, and published a poetry book.

Yuna B

Garden Grove, California
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Rookie writer looking to get her start in the industry
I may be new to the industry but I never shy away from hard work. I'm looking for jobs writing articles, editing, proofreading, blogging, or...
I may be new to the industry but I never shy away from hard work. I'm looking for jobs writing articles, editing, proofreading, blogging, or generally anything that will give me the opportunity to get my creative juices running and write. If you've got a project you think might interest me, send me a message and I will be glad to look it over.

Cristian L

Garden Grove, California
Active over a week ago
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Hard working very reliable never late always there to give people a hand
To be honest im open to anything im looking for a job that gives out OT. Im hard working and very ambitious
To be honest im open to anything im looking for a job that gives out OT. Im hard working and very ambitious

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John F

Garden Grove, California
Active over a week ago
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Talented and creative writer for hire:
I am looking for a job that would allow me to be creative and use the skills that I have developed over the years. I can write about the se...
I am looking for a job that would allow me to be creative and use the skills that I have developed over the years. I can write about the self-help industry of which I know a lot. Or I can be technical on a number of different subjects. I am also very good at research and love to learn. I am writing stories in my spare time that I call faction. Facts that are creatively put...

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