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3 Sylmar Writers Found
Tad Israel W
Sylmar, California
Active over a week ago
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Let me fix your work, or write fresh pages. I'm a former college teacher currently studying Writing for TV at UCLA.
I started by writing...
Let me fix your work, or write fresh pages. I'm a former college teacher currently studying Writing for TV at UCLA.
I started by writing fiction and haiku-type poetry. I love the long form as well as the short. I got 2 novels on the market. One of my novels, Lie Under the Fig Trees, has been optioned by a Hollywood exec. Keep fingers crossed!
These days, I focus on writin...
Armando E
Sylmar, California
Active over a week ago
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3 years exp.
The spunky nerd who is good with words
I am an English and Political Science graduate from CSUB. Aside from my traditional schooling, I am always learning from great writers befor...
I am an English and Political Science graduate from CSUB. Aside from my traditional schooling, I am always learning from great writers before me. I strive to grow every day and expand past the normal. As such, my employer can expect an unusual writer- one who is both enthused and driven. I'm looking for a job that gives ground to my creative drive and that challenges me to do s...
Melissa S
Sylmar, California
Active over a week ago
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Well versed History student offering proofreading and writing services.
I am looking to provide wirting of almost any kind, I love to write it is a passion. I would like to provide my writing services to a vast...
I am looking to provide wirting of almost any kind, I love to write it is a passion. I would like to provide my writing services to a vast area of clients.
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