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2 Tarzana Writers Found
Sarah Z
Tarzana, California
Active over a week ago
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25 years exp.
Expert Writer Writes for You
I'm an author of a book called, "A Simple Guide to Immunity: Enhanced Edition" on Amazon. I'm Editorial Director of an online website called...
I'm an author of a book called, "A Simple Guide to Immunity: Enhanced Edition" on Amazon. I'm Editorial Director of an online website called leafd......
I have a Masters degree in Journalism from Northwestern University. I write everything from articles about health to sustainability to anything writable. Writing is my passion and I do it all day every day. I'm reliable, pro...
Ryab G
Tarzana, California
Active over a week ago
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There are theee types of people in this world, those who can count and those who can’t.
That tagline was the first thing that popped up in my head. I am not a very good singer but I really enjoy writing my own songs and putting...
That tagline was the first thing that popped up in my head. I am not a very good singer but I really enjoy writing my own songs and putting them together by starting out on an acoustic guitar. If songwriting is for me, I want to find out if I have what it takes because I can only get better from this point on.
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