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3 Van Nuys Writers Found
Courtney L
Van Nuys, California
Active over a week ago
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I am a freelance travel and lifestyle writer based in Los Angeles.
Some of my most recent work has appeared in, among other places, the New York Times, BBC Travel, LA Weekly, and Atlas Obscura.
In my forme...
Some of my most recent work has appeared in, among other places, the New York Times, BBC Travel, LA Weekly, and Atlas Obscura.
In my former position as editor and PR manager of the now-defunct travel website, VirtualTourist..... (then part of the TripAdvisor Media Group), I wrote regular, internationally syndicated columns for Reuters News Service, United Press International...
Norman D
Van Nuys, California
Active over a week ago
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I'm a good stocker
To have a experience of working and to putting stuff in order, i did that when i was in high school.
To have a experience of working and to putting stuff in order, i did that when i was in high school.
Samantha H
Van Nuys, California
Active over a week ago
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Funny, Creative, and Outgoing Writer: Like the college roommate you never knew you wanted!
I'm sure my story is the same as thousands on this website. I've been writing since I was a kid, won competitions all throughout my school y...
I'm sure my story is the same as thousands on this website. I've been writing since I was a kid, won competitions all throughout my school years, and read books like a fiend. I love to writer, love to imagine, and love to have fun. Some of my inspirations are television shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender, LOST, and Parks and Rec. I'm currently reading a full collection of Ed...
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