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2 Panorama City Writers Found
Jovonni C
Panorama City, California
Active over a week ago
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I'm Jovonni and I really just want to make music I'm serious.
I'm a rapper with a group of other rappers I bring not just my own talent but a big variety of it that you can't ignore.
I'm a rapper with a group of other rappers I bring not just my own talent but a big variety of it that you can't ignore.
Esperanza G
Panorama City, California
Active over a week ago
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Call me Esperanza and I have always a deep passion for words that could best describe the emotion or situation I am in.
I am more into feature writing. I am at my best in translating my deepest feelings in either spoken communication but more so in writing....
I am more into feature writing. I am at my best in translating my deepest feelings in either spoken communication but more so in writing. Oftentimes I find poetry a most likeable vehicle to translate my thoughts or feelings
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