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3 Chatsworth Writers Found
Maria M
Chatsworth, California
Active over a week ago
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Inspirational writer
I write essays and ebooks on religious topics. I live writing about my faith. I am a Ronan Catholic.
I write essays and ebooks on religious topics. I live writing about my faith. I am a Ronan Catholic.
Ron S
Chatsworth, California
Active over a week ago
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Member of the Writers Guild of America for ?? years.......... One of my books, "HOLLYWOOD FRIENDS" is about a lot of very famous people in t...
Member of the Writers Guild of America for ?? years.......... One of my books, "HOLLYWOOD FRIENDS" is about a lot of very famous people in the TV and MOVIE business...... .."PICKLED", concerns a young person who enters a rehab center where everything goes wrong..........and "Bound 4 Vegas is about a bunch of friends who go to Vegas for a blast of an adventure. A major twist i...
Ron S
Chatsworth, California
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Stand-Comic who's been on top and the bottom
I have been a member of the"Writers Guild of America", since 1976. "I've written sit-coms, dramas for television. Cartoons or Animation if...
I have been a member of the"Writers Guild of America", since 1976. "I've written sit-coms, dramas for television. Cartoons or Animation if you wish. And I currently have 3 books on Amazon.con under my name. Check them out.
Some one to promote myself or my books or whatever's comin' next.
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