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2 Dunedin Writers Found
Michael A
Dunedin, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Experienced Screenplay And Novel Writer
My first screenplay was for a Disney Internship. It was written specifically for the position and was submitted with my application package....
My first screenplay was for a Disney Internship. It was written specifically for the position and was submitted with my application package. There were plenty of applicants and I didn't get the internship. But, that's when I fell in love with writing screenplays.
Of course, I was already in love with writing books. I've written over 20 books in my life and just about as man...
Liz W
Dunedin, Florida
Active over a week ago
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4 years exp.
Excellent Article and Content Writer
Hello, I am a freelance writer looking for employment (long term or short term). I have been writing for a number of years and most of my ex...
Hello, I am a freelance writer looking for employment (long term or short term). I have been writing for a number of years and most of my experience involves content and article writing. I enjoy taking all kinds of data and turning the information into fun, witty, humorous prose that the average reader will both enjoy and find interesting. However I have also created content fo...
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