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2 Saint Petersburg Writers Found
Lee G
Saint Petersburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
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15 years exp.
Creative writer / editor with years of experience writing on a multitude of subjects
Hi. My name is Lee and I am passionate about the English language. I came to America when I was four and learned English by copying other ki...
Hi. My name is Lee and I am passionate about the English language. I came to America when I was four and learned English by copying other kids like a parrot. I have been reading and writing for as long as I can remember. At the moment, I am pursuing a Masters degree in mental health counseling from Nova Southeastern University. I am also a single mother to a beautiful little gi...
Katilia S
Saint Petersburg, Florida
Active over a week ago
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My name is Katilia
I'm interested in a writer that can write My movie script/book ok thinking of creating something that will make it to the top now I've start...
I'm interested in a writer that can write My movie script/book ok thinking of creating something that will make it to the top now I've started writing but I'm in need of help from a writer
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