Find Writers in Seminole, Florida

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3 Seminole Writers Found

Stephanie S

Seminole, Florida
Active over a week ago
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5 years exp.
Passionate and creative writer!
I am looking for jobs in creative, content, and blog writing. I enjoy writing compelling prose, whether that's for a short story, novel, blo...
I am looking for jobs in creative, content, and blog writing. I enjoy writing compelling prose, whether that's for a short story, novel, blog post, book review, or essay. I care deeply about making a connection with my audience. Imagery and description are my strong suits. I am currently pursuing a degree in English with a concentration in Writing Studies.

Larry L

Seminole, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Need comedy material or easy to read sports commentary? Contact me.
I've written for TV standups as well as syndicated cartoon strips. My work has also appeared in various national publications. I workly qu...
I've written for TV standups as well as syndicated cartoon strips. My work has also appeared in various national publications. I workly quickly and at a reasonable cost.

Bryan F

Seminole, Florida
Active over a week ago
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1 years exp.
Effectively Motivated Writer Available Now
Hey all, my name is Bryan and I am extremely excited to take on any projects that may come my way. I am extremely motivated to provide the m...
Hey all, my name is Bryan and I am extremely excited to take on any projects that may come my way. I am extremely motivated to provide the most effectively precise content and to provide you with exactly what you are looking for. Very good at compiling information, and effective at communicating. I love helping people with what I am skilled in, writing being one of them. I real...

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