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2 Quincy Writers Found
Robert N
Quincy, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
Life Is Like Photographs,You Use The Negatives To Develop"
Poetry and inspirational phrases I'm new. I just want a chance to see if I can brighten someone's day.
Poetry and inspirational phrases I'm new. I just want a chance to see if I can brighten someone's day.
John S
Quincy, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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Professional marketing/communications writer
Professional, seasoned marketing and public relations content developer. Over 20 yrs experience in a variety of sectors with special emphasi...
Professional, seasoned marketing and public relations content developer. Over 20 yrs experience in a variety of sectors with special emphasis in healthcare, IT, biotech, device and diagnostics. Able to help your company or organization develop multiple communication pieces. Deadline driven and able to synthesize difficult technical or medical information into clear, understand...
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