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3 Somerville Writers Found
Hansel L
Somerville, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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Real recognizes real
Story teller and as real as they come not scared to tell it how it is lives to speak from the heart and mind and soul
Story teller and as real as they come not scared to tell it how it is lives to speak from the heart and mind and soul
Brandon M
Somerville, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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3 years exp.
Great Writer Looking for Positions!
My name is Brandon Morgan, and I'm currently a teacher and writer in the Cambridge and Somerville area. I teach Academic English, English, a...
My name is Brandon Morgan, and I'm currently a teacher and writer in the Cambridge and Somerville area. I teach Academic English, English, as a Second Language, and Math and Science courses. I currently write in a religious magazine on social issues and religious themes. I also enjoy writing fiction in my spare time.
My experience as a teacher gives me the ability to transl...
Daniel K
Somerville, Massachusetts
Active over a week ago
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Award-winning author, writer, editor
I have written several books, non-fiction and fiction, and have written for numerous publications from Variety to the Boston Globe to the Ch...
I have written several books, non-fiction and fiction, and have written for numerous publications from Variety to the Boston Globe to the Christian Science Monitor. I have also served as editor of the Jewish Advocate.
I am looking for full or part time work that will put my skill set to use. Full resume available on request.
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