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2 Bridgeport Writers Found
William C
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
A novice writer ready to get his head into the world of drama and intrigue whether the story is extensive or short.
Going through a majority of materials through television and books, I slowly broaden my view on key components such as characterization, wor...
Going through a majority of materials through television and books, I slowly broaden my view on key components such as characterization, world building, cause and effect. Writing a path starting from Point A to Point B is efficient, and can be achieved on my end. While I do not come packed with experience, I tend to do research when thinking of scenarios for certain characters...
Anna G
Bridgeport, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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Writer Specialized in Fantasy, Erotica, Romance, and YA
I am a Ghostwriter and have done a few jobs with NDAs. If you are looking for a fast turnaround, I can deliver. I have worked on YA novels,...
I am a Ghostwriter and have done a few jobs with NDAs. If you are looking for a fast turnaround, I can deliver. I have worked on YA novels, Fantasy, Scifi, Romance, and Erotica.
If given a plot or outline :
Up to 5k = 1 Week or less turnaround
Up to 15k = 1 Week
Up to 25k = 1.5 Weeks
Up to 40k = 2 Weeks
Up to 60K = 3 weeks
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