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2 Westport Writers Found
Nancy R
Westport, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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12 years exp.
I can put You and Your Words in Your Personal Letters, Cards, Social Site Descriptions .etc.. and enhance your communication.
Writing personal letters, emails, notes resumes, cover letters, and cards to friends, relatives, social sites, and business contacts can be...
Writing personal letters, emails, notes resumes, cover letters, and cards to friends, relatives, social sites, and business contacts can be painful! But with your words, I can compose your message as if it came from your pen! With your input, and my orchestration, .. you will be sending out clear, succinct, communication with your personality. You can finally describe your c...
Rachel B
Westport, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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Experienced Writer
I am a writer with a B.S. in journalism from Boston University and am currently earning my masters in communications from Syracuse Universit...
I am a writer with a B.S. in journalism from Boston University and am currently earning my masters in communications from Syracuse University. I have over 10 years of experience as a writer in a variety of settings including advertising and marketing agencies, and newspapers and magazines.
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