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13 Pittsburgh Writers Found
Dale G
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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Writer and Editor
I am a published writer and established editor with a keen eye for detail. I've been doing this for nearly 40 years.
I am a published writer and established editor with a keen eye for detail. I've been doing this for nearly 40 years.
Cat P
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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Previously published poet/writer here to help creativity flow
I am an experienced and published writer in the Pittsburgh area looking to help YOU with your writing gig. Let's unlock your potential toget...
I am an experienced and published writer in the Pittsburgh area looking to help YOU with your writing gig. Let's unlock your potential together. Here to help with ANY writing endeavors, proofreading, etc.
Tyler M
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Writer with 10+ years of experience publishing in literary journals and teaching creative writing at the university level.
The challenge for any writer is to express their emotions and imagination on the page. It's an extremely personal act and requires sensitivi...
The challenge for any writer is to express their emotions and imagination on the page. It's an extremely personal act and requires sensitivity when it comes to putting your work out in the world. I'm a writer with 10 years of experience writing and publishing and 8 years of experience teaching creative writing at the university level. Recognizing that act of writing is differ...
James R
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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My name is James Rudolph and I offer you top-quality editing and writing skills to help make your work the best it can be.
My skills rely in grammar editing, sentence structure, and coherenace. I am highly attentive to detail and have experience editing professio...
My skills rely in grammar editing, sentence structure, and coherenace. I am highly attentive to detail and have experience editing professionally for an engineering publication (SAE International). I use my knowledge and experience to ensure grammatically-correct writing, as well as optimizing every sentence for clear and concise meaning. Additionally, as a writer myself, I wil...
Alex H
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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I am a recent graduate of Duquesne University with a bachelor’s degree in English and a minor in sociology.
My major in college English with a writing focus, therefore I can offer any sort of editing or proofreading services, as well advice on both...
My major in college English with a writing focus, therefore I can offer any sort of editing or proofreading services, as well advice on both fiction and non fiction projects
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Dan S
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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Hello, I'm Dan, a professional and technical writer who has spent a decade in the software world as a product designer.
Full service writing, proofing, editing, consulting, and advising services for anything from books, articles, to blogs.
Full service writing, proofing, editing, consulting, and advising services for anything from books, articles, to blogs.
Mahmoud K
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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MFA candidate in Creative Writing
STEM background with various interests in humanities and social sciences. I also hold a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a...
STEM background with various interests in humanities and social sciences. I also hold a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a minor in Philosophy.
Michael B
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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High Quality Content
I've written books, edited textbooks, written for blogs, video games, newspapers, and magazines. My work has appeared in national newspapers...
I've written books, edited textbooks, written for blogs, video games, newspapers, and magazines. My work has appeared in national newspapers and magazines. I'm always looking for a new challenge.
Anna G
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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6 years exp.
Creative, Imaginative, and Passionate
Writing is my lifelong passion, and I love providing ideas and completed works to fellow-authors. I have six years of experience with ghostw...
Writing is my lifelong passion, and I love providing ideas and completed works to fellow-authors. I have six years of experience with ghostwriting from individual, word-of-mouth commissions to contributions to public literary magazines. However, I want to expand my horizons and gather more exciting prompts from the platform of the internet.
My style is dependent on the assig...
Bennie D
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Active over a week ago
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Hello Rebecca I play the piano have a personal Production Studio familiar with the lock program I can get you professional sounding recordin...
Hello Rebecca I play the piano have a personal Production Studio familiar with the lock program I can get you professional sounding recordings most Styles accommodated
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