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2 Parksville Writers Found
Susan P
Parksville, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
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Experienced content writer
Hi, My name is Susan and I have over 15 years of copywriting experience for web, social media, magazines and marketing materials. Areas incl...
Hi, My name is Susan and I have over 15 years of copywriting experience for web, social media, magazines and marketing materials. Areas include travel, special events, music, architecture, civic government, and mental health. I am an expert at writing in your "voice" and will work with you until you are 100 percent happy with what I have written. I work from home, and can also...
Emma T
Parksville, British Columbia
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Quirky writer with a sense of humour
I am a recent creative writing graduate with a background in poetry, fiction, and screenwriting. I love projects that explore the humour and...
I am a recent creative writing graduate with a background in poetry, fiction, and screenwriting. I love projects that explore the humour and sadness of day-to-day life. I like to put my own spin on tropes and see them in a new and refreshing light.
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