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2 Nashua Writers Found
Jeanne D
Nashua, New Hampshire
Active over a week ago
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Poet is looking for someone who writes music!
I have written and published several poems starting when I was in college. I would love to hook up with someone who writes music so my poems...
I have written and published several poems starting when I was in college. I would love to hook up with someone who writes music so my poems can be turned into songs.
Mary Jeddore B
Nashua, New Hampshire
Active over a week ago
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I provide line editing, proofreading and ebook formatting services. Indie authors and clients from any country are welcome. Samples and refe...
I provide line editing, proofreading and ebook formatting services. Indie authors and clients from any country are welcome. Samples and references provided upon request.
Line editing: $0.40 per 100 words, $5.00 minimum
Proofreading: $0.15 per 100 words, $5.00 minimum
Ebook formatting for Smashwords premium distribution: $0.05 per 100 words, $10.00 minimum
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