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5 Littleton Writers Found
Anna H
Littleton, Colorado
Active over a week ago
From 25.00/hour
Littleton, CO based Professional Writer - $25/hr
I'm Anna, a writer from Littleton, Colorado. I am an avid lover of classical literature and philosophy, and am currently pursuing college co...
I'm Anna, a writer from Littleton, Colorado. I am an avid lover of classical literature and philosophy, and am currently pursuing college courses in a private high school to further my passion for writing. At present, I am also in the midst of writing two books, an essay on the political and psychological state of the nation, and various short stories which attempt to convey pe...
Rip W
Littleton, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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A comedic writer with a focus on dark, sarcastic, and silly humor.
Rip is a graduate of The Colorado Film School, and has written and worked with some of comedy’s most important
breeding grounds; The Second...
Rip is a graduate of The Colorado Film School, and has written and worked with some of comedy’s most important
breeding grounds; The Second City, The iO Theatre, and most recently, Kim Howard Johnson’s Comedy Lab.
Rip is regularly published on some of the internet's most well-known humor sites, such as McSweeneys, Slackjaw, and
The Bad Influence, as well as having his material...
Molly H
Littleton, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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5 years exp.
Hello! My name is Molly and a young student passionate for all things literature.
I can provide any service when it comes to writing. I am strongly suited in journalistic writing, research essays and general essay writing....
I can provide any service when it comes to writing. I am strongly suited in journalistic writing, research essays and general essay writing. I love to research, and I have access to various databases to help me do so. I have a background in writing speeches, as well. Some of my most proud accomplishments would be four journalistic awards I received for some of my best pieces. I...
Kelly B
Littleton, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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Creative/Motivational - Content/Research Writer - Proof Reader
Hello, I am a mature independent woman who is highly talented and accurate. I enjoy creative challenges and work well with deadlines. I hav...
Hello, I am a mature independent woman who is highly talented and accurate. I enjoy creative challenges and work well with deadlines. I have time and a comfortable work environment. I have 10 years of experience coupled with a vast vocabulary to confidentiality complete any project. Thank you, I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Chris D
Littleton, Colorado
Active over a week ago
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I’m ready to tackle this project. I have all the time you need
I’m a literary writer, I’ve done work in journalism, but my passion is to write books, poetry, and prose
I’m a literary writer, I’ve done work in journalism, but my passion is to write books, poetry, and prose
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