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2 La Jolla Writers Found
Estefani L
La Jolla, California
Active over a week ago
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I'm a bilingual writer, educator, translator, editor and editorial designer currently living in San Diego, California.
Proofreader. Editor. Writer. Educator. Teacher. Translator. Tutor. Organizer. Academic Writing. Poetry. Fiction. Nonfiction. Autobiography....
Proofreader. Editor. Writer. Educator. Teacher. Translator. Tutor. Organizer. Academic Writing. Poetry. Fiction. Nonfiction. Autobiography. Personal Essay.
Margo T
La Jolla, California
Active over a week ago
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Experienced creative and non-fiction writer seeking work
I am an experienced writer who has edited a novel, press releases for an advertising agency, and has one of experience writing online journa...
I am an experienced writer who has edited a novel, press releases for an advertising agency, and has one of experience writing online journalism articles. I am currently earning a BA in Literature/Writing at UCSD and write non-fiction essays, short stories, research documents, and poetry. I excel in my mastery of proper grammar, and am capable of writing on any subject in any g...
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