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2 Jonesboro Writers Found
Farrell G
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Active over a week ago
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Former radioman puts thoughts to paper.
I spent 30 years writing commercials, news and program material. I am able to use our words to sell, entertain, inform or take you from poin...
I spent 30 years writing commercials, news and program material. I am able to use our words to sell, entertain, inform or take you from point A to point B without you knowing that you have gone anywhere. The number one rule is to know my audience and understand how to get the message across.
Jonesboro, Arkansas
Active over a week ago
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12 years exp.
Freelance Proofreading, Editing and Writing Services
I am an educated professional with a BA and MA in English. I have background in teaching university level English and composition courses, i...
I am an educated professional with a BA and MA in English. I have background in teaching university level English and composition courses, including ESL. I am also a trained technical writer. I proofread fiction, non-fiction, academic, technical and other manuscripts, including dissertations. However, I believe in academic integrity and I will not write your academic papers for...
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