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2 Joliet Writers Found
Linda M
Joliet, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Writer available to write memoirs, research data and articles on aging
My interest and passion is in writing about aging and nursing home residents. I love to write. I am particularly proficient at e...
My interest and passion is in writing about aging and nursing home residents. I love to write. I am particularly proficient at eliciting people’s life stories and writing them down. I am patient and I care.
I currently volunteer at a nursing home and when patients are able they enjoy telling me their life stories and I create documents for their families and careta...
Chantilay L
Joliet, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Freelance Writer Looking For Opportunity
I'm a young freelance writer looking to broaden my work experience. I love odd jobs. I am hungry for experience.
I'm a young freelance writer looking to broaden my work experience. I love odd jobs. I am hungry for experience.
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