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2 Chico Writers Found
Juan L
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
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My name is Juan and I can help you with any writing inquiries!
I am about to earn a Bachelor of Since in Kinesiology with minors in Adapted Physical Education, Physical Education, and Psychology. I am pu...
I am about to earn a Bachelor of Since in Kinesiology with minors in Adapted Physical Education, Physical Education, and Psychology. I am published in the American Sport of Psychology in Action journal and can help with academic writing. I am proficient in all APA, MLA, and Chicago style of writing, as well.
Sho B
Chico, California
Active over a week ago
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3 years exp.
I'm a sixteen-year-old activist and creator who enjoys writing essays and stories, and a 2 time youth poetry contest winner.
I can write anything-- poetry, narratives, fiction, persuasive and informative essays, even biographies. I love being able to use my skills...
I can write anything-- poetry, narratives, fiction, persuasive and informative essays, even biographies. I love being able to use my skills in writing to impact the world, be it by addressing current events and issues or by producing heartstopping, moving poetry. I provide services writing school essays and poetry, articles about current events, short stories, and pretty much a...
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