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4 Carlsbad Writers Found
Annette S
Carlsbad, California
Active over a week ago
From 25.00/hour
20 years exp.
Carlsbad, California Writer: $25/Hr - Ghost writer, Co-Writer, Scripts, Autobiography, & Article Writing
I'm Annette, a freelance writer in Carlsbad, California. My passion is crafting stories that engage and inspire readers. With my creative wr...
I'm Annette, a freelance writer in Carlsbad, California. My passion is crafting stories that engage and inspire readers. With my creative writing skills, I specialize in creating content that stands out from the crowd.
I'm always on the lookout for new projects and clients, so don't hesitate to reach out. I'm currently charging $25 an hour for my services.
My portfolio includ...
Jessie L
Carlsbad, California
Active over a week ago
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It's about fine dime time I get to unwind with some wine and ryhme on your dime.
I'm a jokester. I have a dry sense of sarcastic humor. I love commenting on daily life and laughing at it. I can write really well. My story...
I'm a jokester. I have a dry sense of sarcastic humor. I love commenting on daily life and laughing at it. I can write really well. My story telling abilities are pretty impressive. Give me a chance and I think you will either laugh your off or be really offended. Either way it's entertaining right?
Andrea C
Carlsbad, California
Active over a week ago
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Creative copywriter that can tell a compelling story in as few words as possible
I am looking for part-time or full-time remote copywriting, editing and proofreading jobs that allow me to be creative and utilize my extens...
I am looking for part-time or full-time remote copywriting, editing and proofreading jobs that allow me to be creative and utilize my extensive experience and writing skills.
Annette T
Carlsbad, California
Active over a week ago
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From Idea to Full Script Writer
Asist in writing script from ideas, will also be a ghost writer, I have 30 to 60 day turnarounds. I work well with one on one and teams envi...
Asist in writing script from ideas, will also be a ghost writer, I have 30 to 60 day turnarounds. I work well with one on one and teams environments!
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