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2 Athens Writers Found
Jesse S
Athens, Alabama
Active over a week ago
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Jesse is writing absolutely anything you need!
My name is Jesse, sometimes Gatsby, and for the past several years, I have used my skills and experiences as a teacher to support various cl...
My name is Jesse, sometimes Gatsby, and for the past several years, I have used my skills and experiences as a teacher to support various clients, companies, and communities within the video game industry. I am a content creator, community manager, partnerships coordinator, and certified instructor.
I believe in producing consistent, quality work that is sincere in message, ent...
Michael H
Athens, Alabama
Active over a week ago
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Solo Artist
I have been free styling since I was 12 years Old, I can also Write, Rap/Sing, I also can change my voice and vocals! I am solo Seeking to s...
I have been free styling since I was 12 years Old, I can also Write, Rap/Sing, I also can change my voice and vocals! I am solo Seeking to sign with a label and Play shows!!
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