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2 Santa Barbara Writer Jobs Found
Robb L
Santa Barbara, California
Active over a week ago
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Hi. I'm in Santa Barbara and am looking for a well rounded local writer to help me finish a business plan.
I need help on the creative writing aspect and probably the financial forecasting of a business plan. The plan involves the recreational sp...
I need help on the creative writing aspect and probably the financial forecasting of a business plan. The plan involves the recreational sports and social media industries.
Middle M
Santa Barbara, California
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Unpublished Stories wanted for Literary Quarterly
Pullstring Press of Santa Barbara California, is holding an open call for short fiction & nonfiction on the topic of Cheating—whether it inv...
Pullstring Press of Santa Barbara California, is holding an open call for short fiction & nonfiction on the topic of Cheating—whether it involves romantic pursuits or pursuits of greediness or competitiveness. Accepted submissions are to be compiled into our first quarterly literary journal. This issue being Volume 1, Issue 1. The deadline for submissions is May 31, 2015. This...
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