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2 Missouri City Writer Jobs Found
Toni J
Missouri City, Texas
Active over a week ago
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Looking for a descriptive creative writer to create content for my company website !
I am a new company looking for a content writer for numerous pages on my website that is in construction. I myself am a descent writer, howe...
I am a new company looking for a content writer for numerous pages on my website that is in construction. I myself am a descent writer, however I feel like a professional will have a more creative, descriptive, and non-repetitive element to my project.
Brian G
Missouri City, Texas
Active over a week ago
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No experience needed
Freelance writer needed who specializes in product launch and media campaigns.
Our company would like to hire a writer on a project basis. This person will review all current marketing and media materials and advise/re-...
Our company would like to hire a writer on a project basis. This person will review all current marketing and media materials and advise/re-write materials for tear sheets, website, and media campaigns.
Must have experience with product launch. This item is niche and requires detail and creative license. Familar with mailchimp a plus.
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