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3 Grand Rapids Writer Jobs Found
Doug H
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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I have an outline for a book
I need a ghost writer. It's about middle management in corperate America. Telling stories on my 32 years in my industry.
I need a ghost writer. It's about middle management in corperate America. Telling stories on my 32 years in my industry.
Dr. Jeffrey C
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Co-Author, Book Partner or Ghostwriter
I am looking for a true co-author/partnership for my story that recently made national news. I was the subject of a recent weight loss/healt...
I am looking for a true co-author/partnership for my story that recently made national news. I was the subject of a recent weight loss/health story and need assistance putting it into book form. Long story short, I intentionally gained weight so I could lead patients and community members through a program on how to lose the weight and become healthier.
Jordan S
Grand Rapids, Michigan
Active over a week ago
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Comic Book Writer
I am looking for someone who has ideas, rough draft, or finish product of a comic book. Ask me a question through, or...
I am looking for someone who has ideas, rough draft, or finish product of a comic book. Ask me a question through, or use it to submit your work.
Domain: ajordanshadowensproduction.....
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