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2 Bellevue Writer Jobs Found
David D
Bellevue, Washington
Active over a week ago
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Seeking Non-Technical Financial Co-Writer located ANYWHERE Flexible Schedule
Seeking a ghost-writer/editor with financial services familiarity. I have ZERO geographical requirements, my ghost can occupy the universe...
Seeking a ghost-writer/editor with financial services familiarity. I have ZERO geographical requirements, my ghost can occupy the universe anywhere the internet reaches out to.
I have a strong book outline and about 17,000 words ('vomit edition') SO FAR fleshing out a few of the 8 primary chapters. I'm looking for someone who loves to make typically complicated and boring t...
Bob B
Bellevue, Washington
Active over a week ago
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I am looking for an EXPERIENCED ghostwriter in the Seattle area who has published at least 5 books...
I am looking for an EXPERIENCED ghostwriter in the Seattle area who has published at least 5 books...
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