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2 Woodbridge Writers Found
Sabatino C
Woodbridge, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Looking for some creative opportunities or just piece work
I am a university educated individual with many years of management experience who has just returned from 5 years in the Middle East. I hav...
I am a university educated individual with many years of management experience who has just returned from 5 years in the Middle East. I have a bunch of free time and am looking for something new to get the creative juices flowing. Editing, co-writing or just some piece work is fine. I have not had journalism/writing work before and I believe I have an ability to render assis...
Denis B
Woodbridge, Ontario
Active over a week ago
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Writer in English and French
I am a writer based out of Toronto, Ontario. I have been writing professionally for over 5 years in English and French. I hold a degree in E...
I am a writer based out of Toronto, Ontario. I have been writing professionally for over 5 years in English and French. I hold a degree in English-French linguistics and I would like to share my writing services with the rest of the world. I enjoy creative writing, linguistics, and language development. I believe that perfect or strong writing captures the reader's interest and...
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