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2 Windsor Locks Writers Found
Kelly (Kiko) H
Windsor Locks, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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9 years exp.
Creative writing graduate student who can provide a plethora of writing services for you!
I can provide a plethora of services including but not limited to: fiction (sci-fi, fantasy, romance, LGBTQ), research, poetry, novellas, gh...
I can provide a plethora of services including but not limited to: fiction (sci-fi, fantasy, romance, LGBTQ), research, poetry, novellas, ghost writing, storyboarding and plotting, character creation, guidance in any of the above, etc.
Dean R
Windsor Locks, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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I published my first novel in Highschool and am now fresh out of college.
Although I have experienccurrently seeking more expirence in different mediums of writing such as TV
Although I have experienccurrently seeking more expirence in different mediums of writing such as TV
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