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2 Walnut Creek Writers Found
Rick E
Walnut Creek, California
Active over a week ago
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Have poetry will travel
I’m hoping to find the perfect venue for my creative writing skills. Poetry touches the inner sensibilities no matter the subject. From deep...
I’m hoping to find the perfect venue for my creative writing skills. Poetry touches the inner sensibilities no matter the subject. From deep in the heart to the shallow meanderings that cause notice to whatever is being brought attention to. It’s a way to get noticed!! Give it a try. Thanks
Kelsay M
Walnut Creek, California
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
Nonfiction, Poetry and Academic Writer
Kelsay Elizabeth Myers is a transformational writer, theorist, found object installation artist, teacher, and conscious dancer who stands fo...
Kelsay Elizabeth Myers is a transformational writer, theorist, found object installation artist, teacher, and conscious dancer who stands for self-expression in all of its forms: creative, embodied, spiritual, written, and living. She has dual MFAs in Creative Writing for Nonfiction and Poetry from Saint Mary’s College of California and is currently a PhD student in Transformat...
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