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4 Wallingford Writers Found
Kevin S
Wallingford, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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Song Writer For Hire
song writer (Wallingford)
I am an experienced song writer look to sell my services. I can write songs of mostly any genera, and I am will...
song writer (Wallingford)
I am an experienced song writer look to sell my services. I can write songs of mostly any genera, and I am willing to take on any task. Just give me an idea, a subject, and/or a desired sound and I can make it work. Even if you don't know where to start, I can help.
I don't want any money up front, I will only accept payment if you are satisfied....
Melanie T
Wallingford, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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As a degree student with a BFA in Creative Writing for Entertainment, I am well-suited to fit most of your writing needs!
I am capable of editing, cutting down, correcting most types of writing you can give me. There are things I'm more comfortable, and more eff...
I am capable of editing, cutting down, correcting most types of writing you can give me. There are things I'm more comfortable, and more efficient with, such as novels or short stories. But if you need an essay proof-read for mistakes, I can do that too! Each job will most likely be a case-by-case basis so I'll be sure to let you know up-front if I'm capable enough to help you!
Erika E
Wallingford, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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Just a gal trying to make a living as a writer.
I am here to assist in all types of writing projects. In the past I have worked on numerous short stories, essays, proposals, speeches, deba...
I am here to assist in all types of writing projects. In the past I have worked on numerous short stories, essays, proposals, speeches, debates, reviews and articles. I also edit and proofread. In high school I took creative writing and AP Lit. I also won a certificate of High Honor in American Lit. I was editor in chief of my yearbook and also wrote a ten paged graduation prop...
John P
Wallingford, Connecticut
Active over a week ago
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1 years exp.
Italian New Englander Passionate about art!
I have a BFA in Theatre Arts Technology and an Associates in Computer Networking and Telecommunications. I have a passion for the arts and t...
I have a BFA in Theatre Arts Technology and an Associates in Computer Networking and Telecommunications. I have a passion for the arts and technology and enjoy writing about it. I am looking for writing assignments that would align with my passions. Also looking for possibly doing some tutorial writing jobs.
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