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7 Victorville Writers Found
Preston A
Victorville, California
Active over a week ago
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Original style. Honor the greats by being authentic and unique
I'm a rapper singer of the soul type music A poet and also a painter. Looking for something creativeAnd I want to work with other artists
I'm a rapper singer of the soul type music A poet and also a painter. Looking for something creativeAnd I want to work with other artists
Marcial A
Victorville, California
Active over a week ago
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I'm a rapper thats starting out with a small fanbase. Very dedicated to music
I know that I am gonna get more of a following as I release more music and will eventually be very valuable. I'm looking for anything in the...
I know that I am gonna get more of a following as I release more music and will eventually be very valuable. I'm looking for anything in the music industry.
Ashlee R
Victorville, California
Active over a week ago
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I am a young talented writer who is educated in fiction, poetry, and script writing.
I can write short fiction, flash fiction, poems, and some scripts. Also, I can help write letters and cover letters.
I can write short fiction, flash fiction, poems, and some scripts. Also, I can help write letters and cover letters.
Cynthia M
Victorville, California
Active over a week ago
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I'm Cynthia. I am known for my writing skills. Writing just comes natural for me. I can write about anything.
I offer to individuals my writing abilities. I have always had a passion for writing but never a desire to sing or rap my own lyrics. In a j...
I offer to individuals my writing abilities. I have always had a passion for writing but never a desire to sing or rap my own lyrics. In a job I'm looking for some appreciation. Good help is hard to find as long as the work I provide is appreciated, I think all else will fall into place.
Rodolfo I
Victorville, California
Active over a week ago
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With a pen and a pad, you'll make the world turn mad
I have been writing music for a few years and I have been recording my lyrics on my computer. I have been in a couple of rap groups and band...
I have been writing music for a few years and I have been recording my lyrics on my computer. I have been in a couple of rap groups and bands and I would be the only person writing the lyrics for everyone. I would send my lyrics and music to my friends and they love the way I write music because I have my own unique flow.
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Sean M
Victorville, California
Active over a week ago
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Best singer in victorville
Ask about me Sean mistro martin make no mistake you will love my personality and voice I need a writer and team
Ask about me Sean mistro martin make no mistake you will love my personality and voice I need a writer and team
Chris S
Victorville, California
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Christian Writer Available Now
My name is Chris Smith of Love of Christ Ministries, and I am called to teach The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. I am interested in writin...
My name is Chris Smith of Love of Christ Ministries, and I am called to teach The Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ. I am interested in writing articles, poems, songs, movie reviews, and reggae music reviews. I am looking for writing opportunities to write about The Word of God, about relationships, about fishing, about health, about family, and having fun.
One Love, Chris S...
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