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3 Strathmore Writers Found
Becca M
Strathmore, Alberta
Active over a week ago
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I’m Becca, I’d be delighted to write for your project.
I’m here to provide clear, descriptive and timely writing for your project. Lots of experience writing academically as well as script writin...
I’m here to provide clear, descriptive and timely writing for your project. Lots of experience writing academically as well as script writing and interviewing.
Shelby K
Strathmore, Alberta
Active over a week ago
From 15.00/hour
1 years exp.
I am able to write a variety of different pieces, and am about to attend post secondary for digital communications and media.
Shoot me a me...
I am able to write a variety of different pieces, and am about to attend post secondary for digital communications and media.
Shoot me a message on the site and I will respond as soon as possible.
Hanna G
Strathmore, Alberta
Active over a week ago
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Hi! I'm Hanna, I'm a busy mom and a creative writer
I'm looking for writing & editing jobs. I'll help you perfect your manuscripts and/or documents. I'm self taught but have a passion for the...
I'm looking for writing & editing jobs. I'll help you perfect your manuscripts and/or documents. I'm self taught but have a passion for the English language and the written word!
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