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3 Schaumburg Writers Found
Jim B
Schaumburg, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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15 years exp.
An excellent experienced writer available today
I have been a writer for over 10 years. A portion of my career related to the information management, marketing, sales professions. My roles...
I have been a writer for over 10 years. A portion of my career related to the information management, marketing, sales professions. My roles were as an analyst, researcher, manager and eventually an executive Vice President. Part of my responsibility included extensive writeups from research, analysis, proposals, and marketing directions. A portion of my writing included creati...
Kavya Mohan V
Schaumburg, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Excellent Writer with Good Knowledge in Clinical Research
5 years of experience in a Multi Super Specialty Hospital.
Comprehensive knowledge in Good Clinical Practice (GCP)/ International Conferenc...
5 years of experience in a Multi Super Specialty Hospital.
Comprehensive knowledge in Good Clinical Practice (GCP)/ International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), IND and NDA guidelines and other applicable regulations.
In-depth knowledge of applicable federal regulations, institutional guidance documents and SOPs for the conduct of clinical trials to ensure human subject p...
Brittany B
Schaumburg, Illinois
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Rsearch and General Paper Writer
Advanced and experienced paper writer. Current medical college student who has years of experience researching, editing, drafting, and writi...
Advanced and experienced paper writer. Current medical college student who has years of experience researching, editing, drafting, and writing academic papers. Categories of writing that I have experience in include:
Literature( American, English, and Irish)
Creative writing
Annotated Bibliographies
Research papers( clinical and non-clinical)
Also very familiar wit...
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