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2 San Pablo Writers Found
Catarina C
San Pablo, California
Active over a week ago
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4 years exp.
Film/TV Trilingual Female Scriptwriter
I'm a female Scriptwriter, Script consultant and Editor specialist in SciFi, Drama, TV plots, Horror, Coming-of-Age and Crime.
Original id...
I'm a female Scriptwriter, Script consultant and Editor specialist in SciFi, Drama, TV plots, Horror, Coming-of-Age and Crime.
Original ideas or adaptations.
Working Solo or Co-Writing.
Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Available at any time.
Dan C
San Pablo, California
Active over a week ago
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Seasoned copywriter skilled in creating content for your social media outlets, website and related marketing collateral.
As mentioned... I'm adept and skilled at creating catchy headlines for advertising purposes. In addition I'm experienced in creating blog po...
As mentioned... I'm adept and skilled at creating catchy headlines for advertising purposes. In addition I'm experienced in creating blog posts, posts for most social media platforms, skilled at editing and or rewrites for your web page.
I'm open to working on a project or long term basis with business's of all sizes. I have sales and marketing experience in B-B and B-C inclu...
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