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3 San Bernardino Writers Found
Leah F
San Bernardino, California
Active over a week ago
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Detailed and Experienced Writer/Proofreader Available at Your Convenience!
I am a recent graduate with a BA in both English and Japanese. I am a meticulous proof-reader and writer with a good ability to multi task a...
I am a recent graduate with a BA in both English and Japanese. I am a meticulous proof-reader and writer with a good ability to multi task and work well under pressure. I am highly organized with the ability to manage multiple projects and consistently meet deadlines. I have the ability to put out long-winded projects in a short amount of time if need be, as well as to be extre...
Lauren D
San Bernardino, California
Active over a week ago
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A tenacious college student looking for work.
I am looking to provide services as a proofreader/editor. Please let me know what I can do to support your writing endeavors.
I am looking to provide services as a proofreader/editor. Please let me know what I can do to support your writing endeavors.
Sandra L
San Bernardino, California
Active over a week ago
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I Am A Author / Ghost Writer
I am a ghost writer I written a book called HIDDEN TRUTH and I am working on WALK WITH ME .Individuals think that ghost writers are people t...
I am a ghost writer I written a book called HIDDEN TRUTH and I am working on WALK WITH ME .Individuals think that ghost writers are people that write ghost stories and that's not correct.
I am a ghost writer / Author that writes a book for a individual. The ghost writer will not get any credit if your book becomes the...
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