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5 Saint Augustine Writers Found
Jeff G
Saint Augustine, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Your world. My words.
I possess two decades of writing, reporting and editing experience, resulting in bylines throughout dozens of online and print publications...
I possess two decades of writing, reporting and editing experience, resulting in bylines throughout dozens of online and print publications worldwide. Nearly half of that time has also been spent developing dynamic copy via websites, blogs, and other sales/marketing collateral built to enhance brand identity and provide effective calls to action that lead to increased revenues....
Shelby W
Saint Augustine, Florida
Active over a week ago
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A University of Florida communications graduate who has written everything from broadcast scripts to mini books
I can provide proofreading services, writing services, thought organization, creative writing, tutoring, story board help and more. Or if yo...
I can provide proofreading services, writing services, thought organization, creative writing, tutoring, story board help and more. Or if you just want to bring your story to life and grab others attention while doing it, I can help with that too. Pay is negotiable.
Kevin R
Saint Augustine, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Any style, any subject, from dolphin training to sports, from copy writing to fiction!
Whether you are looking for edgy creativity or the simply mundane, I can provide content for your needs! I am experienced in producing techn...
Whether you are looking for edgy creativity or the simply mundane, I can provide content for your needs! I am experienced in producing technical reports and summaries of scientific publications, as well as lighthearted stories and humorous chronicles.
Carter L
Saint Augustine, Florida
Active over a week ago
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Bringing your ideas to life
I am a writer, photographer and designer looking to give back to the community with my skills and help bring your vision to life
I am a writer, photographer and designer looking to give back to the community with my skills and help bring your vision to life
Gina C
Saint Augustine, Florida
Active over a week ago
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10 years exp.
Writing, the ultimate creative expression
I have a passion for writing, my preferred method of communication, although I can be quite the talker, however I am a much better writer th...
I have a passion for writing, my preferred method of communication, although I can be quite the talker, however I am a much better writer than speaker. Writing has always been a passion of mine along with all things creative, music, art, animals, comedy, nature, books, movies, plays...... Working with animals and hair allowed for some creativity but writing is the ultimate cr...
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