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2 Safford Writers Found
Michelle H
Safford, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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An blog content creator with an edge, offering quality work at lower prices while I expand my freelancing career.
My top niche is creating content for parenting. I have a little psycho baby myself, making this mama ready and willing to help with my new m...
My top niche is creating content for parenting. I have a little psycho baby myself, making this mama ready and willing to help with my new motherhood advice. However, I can write about whatever you want. I, of course, will spend time researching any subject. If I am good at anything besides writing, it is researching. Research, write, repeat. That's me!
David S
Safford, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Writer/Journalist Seeks Expanded Opportunities
I am a staff reporter with the Eastern Arizona Courier, a newspaper in Safford, Arizona, a position I started in 2014. Some of my articles h...
I am a staff reporter with the Eastern Arizona Courier, a newspaper in Safford, Arizona, a position I started in 2014. Some of my articles have been recognized by the Arizona Newspapers Association, winning awards in 2015 and 2017.
I am also a writer by inclination, some of whose stories have been published by small press anthologies.
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