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2 Roseville Writers Found
Sarah J
Roseville, California
Active over a week ago
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28 years exp.
Professional Writer, Editor & Proofreader
I am a full time freelance writer with a BA and MA in English. I work freelance so I can focus on writing, but I have found my background in...
I am a full time freelance writer with a BA and MA in English. I work freelance so I can focus on writing, but I have found my background in project management and business invaluable. Attention to detail, organizational skills, and a customer service philosophy of always following through have helped make me a valuable resource for my clients.
Cayd B
Roseville, California
Active over a week ago
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Creative Writer
I am a creative writer, and I am willing to write stories, scripts, or songs for anyone in the Sacramento area, or further. I can send you a...
I am a creative writer, and I am willing to write stories, scripts, or songs for anyone in the Sacramento area, or further. I can send you a rough draft, if you like it, I'll polish it up, if not, I can rewrite. 20 bucks per writing, and a 2% cut or something if it ends up famous. I don't even really care if it has my name in it.
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