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2 Rexburg Writers Found
JodiRae T
Rexburg, Idaho
Active over a week ago
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Writing sends ideas rippling outward - from the writer toward eternity.
I have been writing since I was young and still write mostly for young audiences. I write short stories, essays and educational children's b...
I have been writing since I was young and still write mostly for young audiences. I write short stories, essays and educational children's books. I believe books should be fun--rather they are for entertainment, education or both.
Mikaela M
Rexburg, Idaho
Active over a week ago
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Exceptional Creative Writer
I am an avid and passionate creative writer, and have been since I was 11 years old. Though I have no formal experience, I am eager to prove...
I am an avid and passionate creative writer, and have been since I was 11 years old. Though I have no formal experience, I am eager to prove myself and am willing to do personal projects. Anything with a creative twist to it is my cup of tea. I have a published children's book, hope to publish two full length novels, and am at your disposal for your own writing goals.
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