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2 Redding Writers Found
Tyler S
Redding, California
Active over a week ago
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An enthusiastic writer looking to make your writing great!
I have a Bachelor of Arts degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University, where I was a double-major in English (with a Writing Emphasis...
I have a Bachelor of Arts degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University, where I was a double-major in English (with a Writing Emphasis) and Organizational and Strategic Communication, with an added Business Minor. I have extensive history with screenplays and blogging. I’ve also edited and proofread book manuscripts on occasion. Over the past decade, I’ve done a lot of wr...
Sean K
Redding, California
Active over a week ago
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Experienced SEO, nonfiction, and fiction writer looking for work
My name is Sean Kittrick. I am currently a writer for an SEO company, producing blogs and onsite content for companies in over twenty differ...
My name is Sean Kittrick. I am currently a writer for an SEO company, producing blogs and onsite content for companies in over twenty different industries, including several companies with revenues over one million dollars a year. I have been in this position since August 2016. Previously, I attended the College of Creative Studies and attained a Bachelor's degree in Literatur...
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