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3 Rancho Cucamonga Writers Found

Shady A

Rancho Cucamonga, California
Active over a week ago
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I have been playing guitar and singing and writing songs for 15 years. I wish I could work in music because it has always been my dream. I a...
I have been playing guitar and singing and writing songs for 15 years. I wish I could work in music because it has always been my dream. I am currently a student at CSU Fullerton

William P

Rancho Cucamonga, California
Active over a week ago
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Recently started
Do I really need a catchy tagline? I am a freelance writer with years of experience.
I am looking for more writing jobs. Here is a bit of my bio: W. Scott Phoenix, B.A., B.S. was born in Hawaii, raised in Pennsylvania and res...
I am looking for more writing jobs. Here is a bit of my bio: W. Scott Phoenix, B.A., B.S. was born in Hawaii, raised in Pennsylvania and resides in California. He has been a published writer since 1978. His work has also appeared (under various names) in numerous places in print and online including AXS, Vacation Travel Deals, Leisure, Examiner, Globetrotter Travel, Must Do Tr...

Daniel P

Rancho Cucamonga, California
Active over a week ago
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Dynamic Creative Writer with an Advanced, Versatile Style & Professional English Teacher background
Writing is my greatest gift and it has been a lifelong passion for me. When I write something, for whatever purpose, I devote all of my ener...
Writing is my greatest gift and it has been a lifelong passion for me. When I write something, for whatever purpose, I devote all of my energy to it and work hard to produce something I deem of excellent quality. As a student I thrived on every opportunity to exercise my creative writing craft. Since the time I was in the second grade through college, I received much positive r...

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