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4 Peoria Writers Found
Cecelia C
Peoria, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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I am a talented and skilled writer willing to help with any and all writing needs!
I am looking for something that would challenge me as a writer but be something efficiently accomplished with my writing skills and competen...
I am looking for something that would challenge me as a writer but be something efficiently accomplished with my writing skills and competence.
Peoria, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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A creative writer with experience in copy writing, reporting, fictional storytelling and screen writing.
I am looking for a job that involves me being able to put ideas on paper. I am a 22 year old journalism graduate who is just looking for an...
I am looking for a job that involves me being able to put ideas on paper. I am a 22 year old journalism graduate who is just looking for an opportunity to try every different type of writing to see what fits me best. I enjoy fiction and screenwriting the most, but all I need is a pen and a paper and I'm ready to go.
Rio P
Peoria, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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Happy Day!
I am 21 years old and I am looking for a job that will work with my school schedule! I go to ASU full time.
I am 21 years old and I am looking for a job that will work with my school schedule! I go to ASU full time.
Felicia K
Peoria, Arizona
Active over a week ago
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A young screenwriter wanting to make your creation a reality!
Hello there, my name is Felicia C. Kane and I am a screenwriter!
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Commissions of various lengths an...
Hello there, my name is Felicia C. Kane and I am a screenwriter!
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Commissions of various lengths and all prices can be discussed! There is no age restrictions I can do any rating from G-R. I also have no length restrictions whether it be a 2-minute sketch or a 90 minute movie, all prices can be discussed.
I also edit and revise scree...
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